Acknowledging Veganuary, a month-long campaign to motivate a wider acceptance for plant-based alternatives, with an article on ‘how to talk to kids about veganism’ by Edric Kennedy-Macfoy, extracted from his book, The Fit Vegan (published by Hay House).
The Night Frogs by M.J. Gibbs shines a spotlight on amphibian conservation. Written in tribute to the Amphibian Survival Alliance, this tiny tale shares a grand message—inspiring children to explore and protect nature's little creatures.
Underwater photographer, expedition leader and Women Divers Hall of Famer Amanda Cotton shares her favourite female-driven marine conservation stories.
The founding pillars of innovation are curiosity and imagination—but have we forgotten how to be curious? Is imagination an endangered species? We asked award-winning children’s author, Michelle Worthington, to investigate clever ways for vitalizing exploration as a tool to develop critical and creative thinking in tandem.
David Cropley is an internationally recognised expert on creativity and innovation and in this special report for BEJournal he explores the importance of creativity to STEM disciplines and how to integrate them into the curriculum. The article includes a challenge which parents can do with their children to encourage creative problem-solving at home.
In this guest article by award-winning children's author, Michelle Worthington, we look at the effects of social distancing on our children's reading habits and how to create a more inclusive and diverse bookshelf for them to explore!