The Miracle that is a Tree
Attempting to acknowledge all that makes trees amazing is impossible—humans often forget this—as trees are fairly ubiquitous, at least for now that is! But with the help of some tree-loving stewards and ambassadors, we reveal hidden secrets which make trees more than just a feature on the landscape; a structure to climb; a limb to swing from; a material to build with; or fuel our cars and heat our homes with… along with bacteria, trees are the original organisms, effecting and connecting all life on earth.

To Boldly Go Where No Woman Has Gone Before!
AND continuing our series on Women Innovators we profile inspirations of science: Dava Newman (astronautical engineer), Catherine Ball (entrepreneur-technologist), Mona Chalabi (artist-statistician), Louise Blight (naturalist-explorer), Reneé Hetherington (climate scientist), and Gloria Dickie (environmental journalist).

With deepest gratitude
To all of our contributors, supporting our mission to create a vital and engaging resource that brings nature to life and empowers people with fresh insight and perspective on the world. Every view and voice matters, because we all see things differently and it is this diversity of experience that inspires: exploration, innovation, and discovery!
Say thank-you to our storytellers and show your love for trees…
Art Wolfe artwolfe.com
Diane Cook and Len Jenshel cookjenshel.com
SCOTLAND: The Big Picture scotlandbigpicture.com
Trees for Life treesforlife.org.uk
David Suzuki Foundation davidsuzuki.org
United Nations Environmental Programme unenvironment.org