Knowledge depositories rich in tradition are imbedded in the customs of people, connecting us to our cultural heritage. Even the simple act of cooking carries deep meaning—hidden in the aromas are memories reminiscent of times passed, and wisdoms of our ancestors are seeded within the recipes we share.
Learning to ‘Love the Earth’ through cooking, embracing the rhythms of the season, discovering the diversity of life, its medicinal and nutritional values, spiritual and cultural significance—is to appreciate the ecosystem for its importance to our health as a whole. This ‘One Small Change’ in perception is key to preserving our greatest treasures: culture, community and the land which nourishes and unites us.
For me, small changes are like fibres in a coat—when woven together they make a diverse and colourful fabric.
Loving Earth’s ‘One Small Change’ campaign, celebrates the little things we do, displaying them in collection to impart a greater wisdom, which recognises everyones role in lifes coat of many colours.
Checkout the campaign and add your colour to lifes coat!

Inga Yandell
Explorer and media producer, passionate about nature, culture and travel. Combining science and conservation with investigative journalism to provide resources and opportunities for creative exploration.