Nature has yet to reveal all her secrets but as we discover the rare and amazing wildlife sustaining in untamed realms, their existence dwindles. May the following collection of wondrous wildlife inspire a conservation value for the future of diversity yet discovered.
Tarsiers are found only in the islands of Southeast Asia. These little primates are only 4-6 inches tall, but their hind legs are twice the length of their torso. Additionally, their eyes are each the size of their brains. What else makes these adorable little primates so rare? They are the only primates who are completely carnivorous – insectivorous to be exact. They stalk bugs and jump at them. They also eat small animals like birds, bats, lizards, and snakes. Tarsiers are considered Critically Endangered and will likely be on that list for some time. They are, thus far, impossible to breed in captivity.
Scientists have discovered a new species of monkey on an expedition into one of the least known areas of the Brazilian Amazon, highlighting the need for increased protection of rainforests. The monkey is a new species of titi monkey and features different colored markings on its head and tail. These distinct features have not been observed before in other monkeys of the same group. The discovery, by biologist Júlio Dalponte, took place on a 590 mile expedition in an area between the Guariba River and the Roosevelt River. These are two of the most important rivers in the north western part of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Before the expedition, little was known about the area as scientists had yet to fully explore it.
The Okapi resembling part zebra and giraffe but only related distantly to the latter, considered a ‘living fossil’ with no significant deviation from it’s origin species. Okapi’s history reaches back to ancient Egypt, where carvings have since been found. Throughout Europe and Africa, prior to the 20th century, there existed legends of an “African unicorn” and in 1887, Henry Morton Stanley reported on a type of donkey in the Congo named an “Atti.”
Sao Tome Shrew is on the Critically Endangered list because not only are there few left, their habitat is progressively declining. The population continues to decrease, making these animals rare. Found only Sao Tome Island, a small island that is actually a shield volcano that rises out of the Atlantic Ocean. These little shrews are only about 3 inches long, and have white teeth (other than the standard yellow) and light bellies.
Amazonian River Dolphin, also known as the Boto (Inia geoffrensis), is a fresh water creature that navigates its way through river systems in South America. Unlike its more commonly known relatives, the Pink Dolphin has a hump on its back instead of a fin, a lump on its head and the ability to turn its head from side to side. Depending on the clarity of the water, this species can range in color from a faint pink to a bright flamingo pink. The sun bleaches the pigmentation so the deepest colored dolphins can be found in murky waters where the sun can’t penetrate too far in.
Glass Frogs feature a translucent underbelly hence the name with other members from the 134 species of glass frogs (60 of these are considered threatened) also exhibiting clear backs so that their heart, intestines and liver are visible through the thin clear skin. While hanging out in the forest, their unique skin gives them the useful ability to blend right into the leaves. All are between 1.4 and 3 centimeters in length, found in rainforests in Central and South America.
Sources: Top Ten Rare Animals / 10 Rainforest Creatures That Defy Imagination

Inga Yandell
Explorer and media producer, passionate about nature, culture and travel. Combining science and conservation with investigative journalism to provide resources and opportunities for creative exploration.