
Preserving Heritage through Natural Design

Can we merge sustainable design with the preservation of historical structures?

MM- Tribute to a Tech Legend

The creative challenge this month pays tribute to tech legend, Steve Jobs. Use his words to embrace change and ignite your quest for innovation.

History Within

Marianne Sommer guides us through a fascinating exploration of...

Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDkbkvOFxng David Attenborough puts on a VR headset to watch...

Become an Antartic Explorer

Peer through Google's 'looking glass' at life in Antartica! In September...

Rising Hope for Species

One year ago today, the Center for Biological Diversity reached...

Vanishing Cultures

http://vimeo.com/40561654 Vanishing Cultures, the Project is a multi-media production documenting America's...

Transit of Venus 2012

From 8.16am to 2.44pm the planet Venus will cross the...

World Heritage Listing for Antarctica

The Australian Conservation Foundation will host a free environmental forum...

Take a Virtual Climb

[vimeo 40485799 w=350 h=300] Take a Virtual Climb with writer and...

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