Two Anishinawbe Grandmothers, and a group of Anishinawbe Women and Men have taken action regarding the water issue by walking the perimeter of the Great Lakes.
Along with a group of Anishinabe-que and supports, they walked around Lake Superior in Spring 2003, around Lake Michigan in 2004, Lake Huron in 2005, Lake Ontario in 2006, Lake Erie in 2007, Lake Michigan in 2008, and St Lawrence River in 2009.
As they walked they drew attention to the water in its many forms, waterfalls and mists, rivers and lakes, raindrops and dew. Their mission was to bring awareness about our water, our most needed element of life. The blue green algae blooms in the waters, the mercury, toxins and limited resources are telling them that our waters are neglected. The crisis of clean fresh water supplies for the future are at risk.
The walks gained much support as they covered the miles. Others joined them and the media broadcast their message that we need to protect our water for all life to be sustained. The Annual Women’s Water Walk was chosen for Spring because for the natural re-growth of our natural habitat, as it is a in time for renewal, re-growth, and re-birth. In 2011 the Women’s Water Walk is calling for volunteers across all points of the North American continent to mobilize in the springtime to walk, speak and honor the water.
Volunteers are also needed this year to check on mileage at each point of destination from ocean to ocean. Leaders are needed to gather people at starting points. Support is needed for communication and transportation. Youth are also being called upon to come take up the footsteps as the grandmothers age and their distances grow shorter.
Their hope is that other locals, individuals and organizations will join them in adopting a common like to care and protect from further pollution.
“We are doing this walk on our own beliefs within our own aboriginal culture and values of the importance of our waters is very precious and sacred to our being, as it is one of the basic elements needed for all life to exist”.
For more information visit: Mother Earth Water Walk.

Inga Yandell
Explorer and media producer, passionate about nature, culture and travel. Combining science and conservation with investigative journalism to provide resources and opportunities for creative exploration.