Whether you overindulged in feasts of festive cheer or shopped till you dropped on Boxing Day, you might require a little recharge before you are ready to celebrate the New Year.
Here a few simple cures to aid your Christmas recovery, so you don’t crash at the end of year bash!
Hangover: Gatorade’s 6% carbohydrate solution promotes rehydration better than mere water plus the extra salt helps your body absorb the fluid more quickly whilst helping dilute the alcohol in your stomach.
Headache: Try a mustard foot bath, add a few teaspoons of mustard powder to hot water the heat helps redistribute blood from one concentrated area ‘throbbing head’ to flow throughout the body. The mustard also stimulates the skin diverting your focus from the pain.
Stomach Upset: Phythagoras, Greek philosopher reputed the digestive benefits of ginger and the root has since been associated with numerous studies indicating its curative properties. Try taking a 1/4 teaspoon of fresh or dried ginger (varieties from Africa and India are more potent) until your tummy settles.
Sore Muscles: A great inflammation soother is pineapple which contains a compound called bromelain that helps reduce swelling from long stints on your feet ‘shopping for sales’. Make a fresh fruit salad or add ice and blitz with pineapple to make a sore-no-more smoothie.