Cruise through Christmas using the following short-cuts!
Cards: Instead of handwriting individual seasons greetings, get pre-printed greeting cards or compose a universal e-update on your families activities then copy your addresses into a computer database to forward automatically. Even better go for a green greeting and send out e-cards using a free service like Care2, making your Christmas conservation friendly!
Decorating: Throw a deck the halls party and get your friends and family to lend a hand hanging ornaments and stringing up your lights!
Entertaining: Instead of handling all the preparation yourself have each guest bring a dish to your dinner, turning the party into a potluck. Nix the notes in favour of paperless invitations using an online service like Evite.
Giving: It’s all about the gesture there is no need for grief so rather than buy presents for everyone consider saving time and money with group gifts (ie. make a donation to charity in tribute of the tribe). If appropriate re-purpose gifts or get crafty and create something that has handmade appeal.
Savvy Shopping: Pass on the crowds out hunting for a bargain and go online or shop from a catalog. Take advantage of complimentary wrapping and order stamps via the postal website saving time waiting in line at the mail centre.
Travel: Off peak times are cheaper and obviously less busy, other short-cuts to save time include arranging your boarding pass online and bringing only carry-ons. Alternatively, stay home and set-up a web-cam for a virtual visit with the relatives.

Inga Yandell
Explorer and media producer, passionate about nature, culture and travel. Combining science and conservation with investigative journalism to provide resources and opportunities for creative exploration.