An impressive 5200 people braved the early morning chill and shed their clothes to pose naked for the renowned photographer Spencer Tunick at the Sydney Opera House (March 1st 2010).
Gallery Link- Nudes at the Opera House
People of all ages, shapes and sizes began arriving at the forecourt from 3am (AEDT) to be part of the mass nude photo, called Mardi Gras: The Base.
The number of people was double what organisers had been expecting – even though about 8000 people registered for the event.
As the sun rose, Tunick instructed participants to do a number of poses, from standing up, lying down, and even embracing cheek to cheek, for over an hour.
“It doesn’t feel sexual, it just feels tribal, a gathering of humanity,” one participant said.
“I want all couples to embrace and kiss, all friends to kiss and all strangers to do whatever they want,” Tunick said as he directed the crowd.
About 2500 people then went on to pose inside the Concert Hall.
Full story on Yahoo!7 news